Saturday 5 September 2015

First post and hopefully more to come?
One fateful night....I decided why not start a blog
in order to document my bakes
showcasing the edible or non-edible ones too.
Ever since I got a electric hand whisk from someone special,
which I have been convincing myself for the longest time to get one!!!
The first bake was a light cheddar cheesecake,
then I tried making bread at midnight(failed terribly),
3 layer birthday cake, cookies, orange sponge cake, durian puffs
and even eclairs. I've thoroughly enjoyed the process
of making every single one of those that are edible hahaha
I think baking has become something that is very
therapeutic for me and at times i forget the time(pun intended).
It's nice to be able to bake for the people I love,
seeing them enjoying it and wanting more of it.

To many more mhbakes in the future!!!